The show I want to know is a animated cartoon with a cell shaded style. If I recall correctly, it was 2D animated using computer drawing (similar to the store of something like Infinity Train)

I think I found the clip from a Lemmy post several months back. The scene has been stuck in my head for a while. I described the scene to my friend and they were really intrigued. I would like to find the show, so I can show them the scene properly.

If I had to guess, I would say the show is something from cartoon Network, or possibly a pilot episode.

In the scene, a girl is walking through a dense forest of grey cylinders. They bend in multiple directions and divide or end randomly. If I recall correctly, she had short curly hair, and maybe a hat

The girl discovers a weird flower sort of thing. When she activated the flower, a bizarre set of events unfold on top of the flower. I can’t recall the exact sequence of events, but they are something along the following:

  • A little creature awakens at the center of the flower. I think there was a little sprout sticking out of the flower beforehand?

  • At some point, a number of small white orbs around the perimeter of the flower activate. They move around the flower and do some things

  • I think the creature died (or maybe went into hibernation)

  • The flower ends up right where it started as a weird story of life cycle.

After she is done looking at the flower, she leaves the cylinder forest and finds her partner that she was walking with. The cylinders all grow longer, thus closing off the forest from being entered again.

  • @TheDarkestShark
    44 months ago

    Really good show, it has the whimsical imagination that made a lot of the early rick and morty episodes great. Much more serious and down to earth than rick and morty though. I might rewatch it now since I’m talking about it.