Just finished all the section from 1 to 5 (A1 A2 B1) in 170 days for the German course. The leagues really helped my motivation to grind the hours and be focus in learning daily. Average 1 to 2 hours per day week day and sometimes a bit more in the weekend.

It has been fun all along. I’m definitely not fluent speaker but I have started to think how to say small sentence in German without struggle and looking to read more German to increase my vocabulary.

  • PostingInPublic
    5 months ago

    Super! 👍 Ich habe erst durch den Kontakt mit Italienern verstanden, wie schwer Deutsch eigentlich ist. Ich hätte mir eine andere Sprache ausgesucht!

    Bleib dabei, denn wie der Ami sagt: use it, or lose it.

    Edit: Du hast den Konjunktiv noch gar nicht gehabt, “ich hätte” = “I would have”, und “sich etwas aussuchen” = “to choose/select something”.