
Gen Z posted greater voter turnout in 2022 compared to previous generations in midterm elections. As the 2024 election approaches, campaigning continues to be directed at this generation — including outreach led by Gen Z voters themselves.

Gen Z voters are more motivated to participate in elections due to specific policy issues, particularly reproductive rights. Political groups and candidates are implementing new strategies to engage this generation, including peer-to-peer organizing and authentic messaging.

Vice President Harris has been praised for her relatable social media presence, while former President Trump has appeared on popular male-dominated podcasts.

  • @GaMEChld
    13 months ago

    Because people are tribalistic and paint with a very wide brush. And we have a FPTP two party system. So like it or not, liberal, left, feminist, etc memes all get lumped together. It’s up to us to reign in the crazy on our own side lest we look crazy by proxy. Or replace crazy with venom, or whatever you want to call it that is making young men feel more welcome on right.

    It’s like that line from the Newsroom. “You know why people hate liberals? Because you lose. If liberals are so smart how come they lose so god damned always?”

    I’m on the left and I’m tired of getting my ass kicked because my own party has no strategic or tactical sense, and no unity to rally us. Just infighting and giving the right easy wins and plentiful sticks to beat us with.

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      The TikTok trend went beyond the US. I’m familiar with it, but I don’t live in a two-party system.

      • @GaMEChld
        13 months ago

        Fair point, what kind of voting system do you guys have? Really wish we had ranked choice.

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          Same/similar FPTP, so it still sucks.

          We had some cities trying out ranked ballot voting, but then the provincial government made it illegal for cities to do that.