• KillingTimeItself
    224 months ago

    would someone like to explain to me why dem turnouts were SO FUCKING ASS this cycle?

    Did you guys just like, forget to vote? What the fuck happened?

      • @jmsy
        44 months ago

        Very few voters care about what is happening in Israel. A poll (I think msnbc) weeks before the election showed about 2% of voters considered it a “top 3” issue for them.

        • KillingTimeItself
          14 months ago

          i think polling was roughly like 55-60% of lefties considered it to be “an issue” so that makes sense.

          I still wouldnt expect ANY of these people to sit out the vote, over electing kamala harris though. You have to have significant mental degeneration to process that situation in any other way. So i’m not convinced that’s even possible. Maybe i’m wrong, but then the situation speaks for itself.

          • @jmsy
            54 months ago

            Americans and most of the world don’t care what’s happening in Israel. As a yank living abroad and often traveling for work (conferences, support, sales) It’s typically viewed as an extension of a 30 year conflict, extended on an 80 year conflict, extended on a 1500 year old conflict. In otherwords, it’s “passe.” it’s boring because it’s the norm. it’s unfortunate.

    • @jmsy
      24 months ago

      I think there are 3 reasons.

      1. The economy is ALWAYS, FUCKING ALWAYS, the driving force behind the general public’s vote. The current American economy, when observed at a macro level, has been great under Biden’s presidency. Inflation induced by COVID and Trump’s first term policies has been declining, GDP is up, the trade balance is good, and interest rates are starting to come down. Americans aren’t benefiting from this in their personal finances. The wealth gap is severe because of trickle down economics. The democrats are shit at communicating this or even having a plan for it. Instead the democrats campaigned that identity politics were as important as the economy. Just fucking stupid. We all know the democrats policy on minority rights and protections. Talk about the economy and how you’ll make individuals wealthier.

      2. Some exit polls asked what emotions voters felt when they voted. The bi-partisan answer was overwhelmingly anger. (I think it was a cnn poll and a smaller website poll.) Guess which candidate plays into that emotion and guess which ran on “good vibes and joy.”

      3. In 2020, Harris wasn’t well liked and didn’t primary well. She may have done her job well as VP, but the public didn’t know about it. She and her campaign didn’t even communicate what she was doing. When she was “anointed,” that turned off many democrats. Most of the excitement came from relatively few. The relatively many democrats or people who could be persuaded to vote democrat were not motivated. At current count, Trump has lost about 6 million votes from 2020. Harris has about 14 million less votes than Biden in 2020.

      TLDR The DNC are master fuckups

      • KillingTimeItself
        14 months ago

        The economy is ALWAYS, FUCKING ALWAYS, the driving force behind the general public’s vote.

        this is probably the best answer, but then this would primarily apply among righties, and centrists, not lefties, who simply didn’t really turn out in any significant number. Which would be weird, i think they would be far more galvanized to vote for the leftist in that scenario but idk. Also trumps policy is just, unironically terrible, if any of these people are informed even a little bit, this should be so incredibly obvious to them.

        Some exit polls asked what emotions voters felt when they voted. The bi-partisan answer was overwhelmingly anger.

        makes sense honestly, but i don’t see why this would kill turnout, unless it implies that dems would literally just seethe in a pile of their own shit instead of like, vote.

        In 2020, Harris wasn’t well liked and didn’t primary well. She may have done her job well as VP, but the public didn’t know about it.

        the 2020 campaign is an interesting, one, and it probably didn’t help. Certainly not with the rhetoric.

        She and her campaign didn’t even communicate what she was doing. When she was “anointed,” that turned off many democrats.

        i think this makes sense, but again i’m having trouble figuring out how “apathy towards the candidate” and ferocious anger against the alternative, somehow leads to the outcome of not voting at all. Maybe moderate lefties are sympathetic to trump, but i genuinely don’t think that’s possible.

        TLDR The DNC are master fuckups

        i broadly agree, but i include the democrats as well. I’ve had a few stints with people who are mad at the system, and then put no responsibility or blame on themselves, which is incredibly rich. I think the dem party has a significant problem with entitlement over votes. We’re like the rich white kid that gets whatever he wants, we just pout when things don’t go our way and and expect it to change, and then it doesnt. I think we need a reality check as a party (we just got it, hopefully) and a restructuring, and most importantly we all need to suck it up, and get over ourselves, and do what we need to do to protect the values of democracy (mostly liberalism)

    • @[email protected]
      -14 months ago

      Yeah we know trump is awful, but in the end we could buy more stuff under trump than we can now and that’s all we really care about so we voted for him anyway.

      • @T00l_shed
        14 months ago

        They are in for a rude awakening this time around. They are going to find They can’t buy nearly as much

      • KillingTimeItself
        14 months ago

        Yeah we know trump is awful, but in the end we could buy more stuff under trump than we can now and that’s all we really care about so we voted for him anyway.

        if this is true, and this is how you vote, you deserve whatever happens to you in life.

        If someone lures you under a bridge, and then kills you, i won’t care, you lacked any critical thought processing to be able to stop it.

        It’s harsh, but true.

        (hi mods, this isn’t a personal attack, i’m making a point through satire)

    • WrenM
      -14 months ago

      I’d wager a fuck ton of them moved far left and stayed home.

      • KillingTimeItself
        04 months ago

        unless you have significant polling data that shows like at least 30% of the left being socialist or commie or something, i really doubt this was significant.

    • Queen HawlSera
      -24 months ago

      America simply feels like they can “Sit this one out” if it means putting a woman in a position of authority over a man.

      If Kamela was VP and Walz was the top of the ticket and nothing else changed…

      Walz would have won in a landslide.

      • KillingTimeItself
        24 months ago

        honestly idk, that might have lead to increased turnout, but i think primarily because it’s “not the biden admin”

        it would’ve also helped if they got out earlier, i think.

    • @[email protected]
      -44 months ago

      Did you not see the meme? It was obviously because of REPUBLICANS!!!

      Those darned Republicans made you not vote!! It’s always the REPUBLICANS!!!