Niraj Warikoo
Detroit Free Press
November 6, 2024 updated 10:03 EST

  • @[email protected]
    04 months ago

    Overwhelming amount of comments of “could win if DNC/Harris just stops supporting genocide”. This is false. Zionist Supremacism determines every congressional and President candidate. $1B was spent just in PA this election cycle, and pinning hopes on DNC requires them to raise money to match spending. That Zionist supremacism is the goal of ruling the US, the DNC can help by losing this election, and get paid to lose (Trump could have been in military jail in 2021, or could be put there now. Case for traitor is strong, according to Dem leaks.). Just as Jill Stein is paid to spoil results. DNC also nominating the most warmongering republicans available including Obama for surrounding himself with HRC and Biden is also a necessary electoral funding (from Zionist supremacists) strategy. That somehow it has become a progressive identity badge that war on Russia is a smart and noble thing, is DNC bots astroturfing disinformation.

    Muslim community is not the only one who loses from a war expanded to Iran.

    Only path to eliminating Israel first rule over US is a campaign that declares zionism a hate group. That any politician with a loyalty oath to Israel is ineligible for office, or even citizenship, and UBI. UBI is only path to disempowering oligarchy/rulership/empire. Current political charades only strengthen oligarchy.