I was having a chat with some friends and we were talking about how, in the U.S. at least, washers are usually on the left and dryers on the right and why that might be. Someone pointed out that we wash first and then we dry. But then someone else pointed out that we are sort of primed to think in left-to-right terms already since that’s the direction in which we read. So here is my question:

Are washers usually on the right and dryers on the left in the Middle East?

  • @Kaiyoto
    94 months ago

    Could also be the flow of the house. Every house I’ve been in where the washer and dryer are side by side, the washer has been closer to the entrance of the wash room and the dryer is farther (and usually towards the back door). My thought process would be dump the clothes in the washer and then kick the basket in front of the dryer to pull them out later and get it more out of the walking path. (unless there’s room on top of the dryer)