• @ZILtoid1991
    04 months ago

    To some of the comments:

    When a black person does a bad thing, we never question their blackness. If an LGBTQ+ person does a bad thing, we never question their LGBTQ±ness. If a Muslim does a bad thing, we never question their Muslimness.

    If a Christian does a bad thing, they’re not a Christian. If they’re rich, we bring up the parts of the Bible about how the rich won’t get to heavens. If they’re hateful, we bring up Christ’s love. If they’re violent, we bring up the “other cheeck” line.

    We need to stop whitewashing Christianity, and realize the evil its capable of in the wrong hands. That’s how we got the dominionist cult into the most powerful country, and that’s how we got Putin, Orbán, etc., and will continue to get others if we dont change our outlook on things.