(Disclaimer: I voted against Trump and anyone who supported him in my state.)

  • @RangerJosie
    294 months ago

    Breathtakingly fucked. Wannabe dictator with a mandate from the dumbest mfers alive.

    But take heart. The battle for the US is now a fight between the old guard Reaganite Republicans and the out&out Fascists. For the next 4 years at least the Dems are a complete non-factor. I hope the DNC is proud of their accomplishment.

    All the worst possible things that could happen are now not just on the table but incredibly likely.

    • @masquenox
      114 months ago

      old guard Reaganite Republicans

      So, the non-overt fascists?

      • @RangerJosie
        104 months ago


        All they really care about is strengthening the oligarchy. Cutting taxes. Deregulation. If it benefits big business, they’re for it. And that’s where the conflict will arise. The loud and proud fascists want shit like mass deportations. The Reaganites know that’s bad news for a lot of businesses. Construction, agriculture, etc.

        • @masquenox
          44 months ago

          The loud and proud fascists want shit like mass deportations.

          Keeping the expendable labor violently repressed is literally one of the main “services” fascism renders to the liberal (ie, capitalist) order. What did you think all this “immigrant” hysteria was really all about?

          No, they don’t want deportations - that’s just what they tell the rank-and-file goons in order to get them to do the dirty work. They want all the expendable labour appropriately terrorized, under constant threat of state brutality and violently prevented from integrating with US society. Ie, it’s literally as old as the Book Of Exodus.

          So no. This is good for business. And the Reagen-fascists knows this as well as the Trump-fascists do. It’s just the vile way in which capitalism has always used fascism to further it’s own ends.

          • @RangerJosie
            34 months ago

            They are all bastards of the highest order.

    • @jj4211
      34 months ago

      Also now he’s convinced that God specifically saved him from a bullet and chose him…