(Disclaimer: I voted against Trump and anyone who supported him in my state.)

  • @BlueMacaw
    34 months ago

    Many believe they are saving the country by voting for Trump. Everyone sees that America is going downhill. Everything is more expensive, more uncertain, more precarious. Leftists blame corporations and corporate capture of government agencies. Right wingers think that more corporate power is good and if left unchecked, the “free market” (aka government rules that favor unchecked corporate malfeasance) will be better for America.

    People vote for their economic interests, as best as they can understand them. Most on the right think that their economic interests are served by corporate deregulation and scapegoating of immigrants. However, within that context, this is also why removing social security is not realistic. That’s a direct attack on people’s benefits, which they are not in favor of. Right wing corporate types want to cut social security so they don’t have to pay taxes, or there will be more money in the government coffers to give back to the corporations. But the majority of right wing people that the corporate types rely on for votes will never vote to repeal social security.