That was a laughable election. I would’ve preferred if Harris had won, because I’m not an accelerationist, but that time is past. Where do we go from here? Can the DNC be dragged back towards the left, or is it done for?

  • ProdigalFrog
    4 months ago

    Good time to consider abandoning the DNC altogether and give Anarchism a chance. Create a new world in the shell of the old with worker owned cooperatives, cooperative energy, cooperative housing, mutual aid becoming a core tenet of society, and solving local problems with direct action .

    Society with decentralized power and the elimination of profit motive would limit corruption heavily, and should be a sustainable long term way of being, and allow us to effectively fight climate change.

    The Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin is a nice exploration of how that sort of society could be. But we can also look to how the CNT structured society during the Spanish civil war to see it put into real practice.