A common critic we hear about an EU wide army is What language are they gonna speak but let’s forget Europe 2024,

Rome had a huge empire over the whole Europe, I may be wrong, but I don’t think that commoner spoke proper Latin in remote province. What happens when they join the legion ? Would the units be split by origin region (Dacian with Dacian, Lugdunumese with Lugdunemese) with only officer speaking latin ? Or would you merge legionaries from different province (So you have Tingitanian, a Lustitanian and a Thracian in the same unit) and give them a crash course in military latin (the way the french foreign legion does? ) Even going as far as Rome, Karl the great empire also spread over half of Europe, and modern European nation used to be way more multi-lingual than they are today, and most likely a random southerner/northerner in Britain, France or Germany couldn’t talk to each other.

So how did ancient armies managed the language question ?

  • Lazycog@sopuli.xyz
    4 months ago

    I for one vote for EU wide usage of Latin commands, EQUALITER AMBULA!

    I might be wrong here but NATO countries already have to adapt language related practices to NATO practices, e.g. the NATO phonetic alphabet.

    • FuglyDuck
      4 months ago

      Good god no. Conjugation is bad enough in English. You don’t want know what my latin grammar is like.

      For the record the phonetic alphabet isn’t language and I’m pretty sure there’s slight differences between regions/languages. (Alpha, Able, Apple; for example,)

      It’s just a way to spell out letters for clarity over radio. The idea is to create extra syllables in the letters using “familiar” words so that if static or something comes across, you can piece it together; also, “a” is easily confused for “way” or “say” or “may”, and such.

      • Successful_Try543@feddit.org
        4 months ago

        As far as I understood, @[email protected] was talking about the phonetic alphabet used in the armies of NATO countries, which is standardised by ICAO as Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, … and is not the everyday phonetic alphabet in each country, e.g. in Germany commonly Anton, Bertha, Cäsar, … but there are plenty of different versions and variants for each German speaking country.

        If we would go back to Latin, it wouldn’t be the Latin as spoken by Cicero but some Vulgar Latin, as it is the origin of Romance languages like Italian, with simpler grammar.

        • FuglyDuck
          4 months ago

          oh, it’s definitely standardized, no doubt. But people are people, and some of them are going to call out as it’s familiar to them, and in some sort of urgent response… you’re not going to get too confused at the German guy reading off grid coordinates as ‘24-Richard Wilhelm Theodor…’ to get to a particular random stretch of the Atlantic. (using the MGRS coordinates. 24RWT)

          but most of my point was that’s not an actual language; you’re still going to have to designate some language as the common language- and get enough understanding to at least be functional in that. it seems logical to just pick one… but, uh… well. humans aren’t very logical.

          • XeroxCool
            4 months ago

            If a German reads 24-richard-wilhelm-theodore to an English guy, he’d write down 24RVT if going by the sound, 24RWT if knowing German pronounces the W with a V sound. This is _exactly_why the NATO alphabet is standardized and swapping things around “in an emergency” isn’t permissible. There are so many variances in pronunciations between languages like this. Since you’re writing in English, watch what happens if you hear someone use Spanish and French words like “Javier Habanero Ennui Allo”. An English speaker might know the words, or might write down HOOO. And then there’s regional differences like Spain with some hard Cs or THs instead of soft C or Mexico with some indigenous Xs that sound like CH instead of H. Not to mention the typical English pronunciation of Uniform starts with a Y sound (some groups say oo-nee-form). And it’s not xylophone in every language, so why not write down a Z?

            That’s why they developed one, singular group of words for the alphabet. It’s not perfect, but it’s the group that was picked.

            P is for Pterodactyl. C as in Czar.

        • FuglyDuck
          4 months ago

          Though, it’d be fun to have some French guy be like “how Vulgar!” And not be calling me rude.