Rose Matafeo and Mike Wozniak put a bunch of canny kids to the test. Plus, Greg Davies cleans up for the last time. Here’s what to watch this evening

8pm, Channel 4The remarkable rise of Taskmaster over the past decade proves that sometimes we just need daft, pointless telly. It’s a genius move, then, to add kids into the mix. Rose Matafeo is in charge of events and, with the help of her assistant, Mike Wozniak, sets challenges for a cohort of very spirited youngsters. It would be a mistake to underestimate these smart cookies – but that doesn’t mean they don’t also provide some hilariously stupid moments, just like the adults. Good fun for fans of any age. Hollie Richardson

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  • @[email protected]
    33 months ago

    I might watch it just to see how many times Rose says “fantastic” because it comes out like “feenteestuc”