I read a Reddit (through RDX mind you) post the other day that included the Who we serve page from the democrats’ website. The user noted that men were not on that list and pointed it out as on of the reasons Kamala Harris had lost. Meaning the Democratic Party should pander to the white young men demographic as well. A link to the post (through RDX)

I keep seeing this sentiment over and over again on social media. And I can’t help but make the analogy to the “All lives matter.” as opposed to “Black Lives matter.” Am I wrong to think this? I am not from the United States. Please don’t bite my head off as this is no stupid questions.

  • @finitebanjo
    144 months ago

    “All Lives Matter” and “Blue Lives Matter” both advocated against new police accountability practices.

    This is why I think Black Lives Matter should have just called itself the Police Accountability Movement, take the wind out of the racist sails, but everybody kept downvoting that suggestion.