The people in cities and in blue states made this economic turn around happen. Trump does not deserve the credit he will claim. Burn it down.

Edit: If you leave this thread learning anything please let it be this one thing. Organic political movement isn’t schemed up in a board room or carefully planned and executed every step of the way. It starts inside of you and people like you and you lend your support not knowing the outcome but believing in the cause. If it’s not here, it’s not here. I don’t mean to supply you with fuel needed but only the spark to ignite flame waiting to be ignited.

I’m out though.

  • @EnderMB
    134 months ago

    Why strike when you can unionize?

    Start building small unions for blue collar roles that focus primarily on employment protection, rather than pushing salaries high. From there, as the cost of living increases, push for a percentage increase that aligns, and strike fully if those demands aren’t met.

    If Trump wants to block migration, then forming unions would be the defining legacy of a Trump administration. He can’t go for cheap foreign labour, and he can’t remove domestic…