To everyone who voted for Trump and relies on social security, or ACA healthcare, or have pre-existing conditions, or has a child with special needs, or LGBT family, or undocumented friends and family, I have no sympathy for you. You got what you voted for, next time learn your candidate’s policies before the election. We tried to warn you, we tried to tell you his policies were radical or even dangerous. We tried to tell you he wanted to take all those things away. We tried to tell you we would be the ones paying for his tariffs; but you wouldn’t listen. He is not your friend, he does not care about you, all he wants to stay our of jail and make himself and his wealthy friends richer. The rest of us were willing to pay a little more for groceries if it meant our families would have healthcare, our friend’s children with special needs could get an education, our parents could collect their hard-earned social security. Instead we will all pay a lot more for everything when tariffs are imposed and the migrants who pick our fruits and vegetables are deported.

Now your penance: call your congressmen every day for the next four years, ask them to stand-up to Trump, to block his policies that will make life harder and more expensive for everyday Americans, to block his nominations, tell them you will vote them out in the next election if they don’t – and actually vote against them when they don’t. Write letters to the White House asking them not to do all the things he promised us he’d do. Write to the Supreme Court, and all the government agencies we rely on everyday asking them to resist rolling-back all the progress we’ve made as a country over the last century. If you don’t, it won’t just be the liberals paying the price, it will be your friends, your families, and even you.

  • @reddig33
    54 months ago

    Everyone keeps saying “it’s the economy” but there sure were a bunch of people out shopping today when I looked. Maybe it was just racism and misogyny combined with people mistakenly believing that Trump will lower their taxes.

    • @HappycamperNZ
      44 months ago

      I think the biggest “selling point” with Trump is quick fixes - he “sold” things getting instantly better. As far as the economy us concerned there is no such thing, let alone by introducing tarrifs, getting rid of productive people and cutting support for people. Which is funny because you can absolutely have a quick “fucked it and the planet up for generations”.