In extend to my previous post :

I cannot install drupal 11 on a fresh Debian install, in fact I tried everything and it’s no more the fault of proxmox, but the PHP installation.

Drupal 11 needs php 8.3 to work, but Debian official repos go only to php 8.2, so I used the Debian repo to install the latest PHP version. And this is the start of the problem, this install gives me the error shown in the other post, exhausted memory.

I search in the info.php, memory related stuff, and the only difference between the “official” PHP (8.2) and sury one is that in the mysqldn section it shows statistics to yes. But I don’t know how to disable it…

Any ideas? Thanks 😉

  • @stuner
    24 months ago

    “11.0.5-apache-bookworm” also seems to work, maybe you can try that version?

    • foremanguyOP
      24 months ago

      Try this version (not in docker) and it works like a charm, maybe i’m gonna stuck to it and then upgrade when the 11.0.7 will come out 😃

      • @stuner
        24 months ago

        Nice, congrats on getting it to work! :) Native Debian packages are also nice. It can just get difficult if you want the latest stuff.