I’ve had 6 LiFX BR30 lights on the front of my house since 2019. At first, they were pretty decent. One would fall off the network every other month, or so, but that wasn’t much of a pain. Lately, multiple lights will drop off the Wi-Fi every week. I’m at the point where I will either replace them, or install smart switches to just turn them off/on like normal lights. Looking around, I don’t see much in this size that are rated for outdoor use and support multiple colors. The current ones are set to Ukraine colors since the invasion, and I also change them for holidays. Ideally, I’d like to find something supporting zigbee, thread, or z-wave - pretty much in that order.

  • @just_another_person
    24 months ago

    I think I saw some Moe’s branded flood lights not long ago. Check them out. Their Matter bulbs have been totally solid for me.