Well now this is trashy. I got permabanned from r/interstingasfuck for posting a comment in r/MensRights that was an attempt to correct some misinformation. I’ve never made a post in either subreddit and that was the only comment I’ve ever made in the MensRights subreddit. But r/interstingasfuck’s bot decided to permaban me even though I’ve not broken any rules.

The ban

The single comment I’ve ever made on r/MensRights

Man Reddit is trash.

  • @Doorbook
    4 months ago

    it was weird, like literarily they were researching and publishing about SARS like viruses in bats as early as 2015, and yet people got crazy if someone said it might be a leak.

    Here is a paper published in 2015 called “Bat origin of human coronaviruses” by Zhengli Shi ( Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China )


    • Boozilla
      4 months ago

      Reddit logic: suggesting a lab accident automatically makes you racist or anti-science or something.