Next week sees the final issue of Gotham By Gaslight: The Kryptonian Age by Andy Diggle and Leandro Fernandez. But what next for the world inspired by Brian Augustyn and Mike Mignola’s Elseworlds originator Gotham By Gaslight? Well, it looks like we have Gotham By Gaslight: League For Justice, again by Fernandez so probably also by Diggle again. For some time in 2025…

The current Kryptonian Age series has introduced other Justice Leaguers, this series looks like it will be putting them all together. Originally solicited as a 12-issue series, this was cut to six. It is likely that this new series will be the other half of the originally planned series.

  • @jordanlundM
    34 months ago

    Makes sense since they have the new character intros. Even odd-ball intros like Adam Strange.