Time ago I asked about what sex feels like… Now I want to know the more sentimental part what is like… Curious

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    It starts by being the best feeling in the world and then you just slowly get used to it and it becomes quite mundane. Some people intrepret the honey moon period ending as the amount of love decreasing but in reality it just changes. This happens to everyone. Also, the first time is usually the best feeling one, especially in the beginning, while probably not objectively best of all the relationships you’re going to have.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      That tracks with a lot of people I’ve been with.

      With my current partner, every day is a new adventure. Some days are same-ey and those are amazing days. When we have to experience new things we’re both sus about. It’s always a shared version of “that was fucked” or “that was amazing.”

      We’ve been together for 13 years.

      It takes the right person.

      Quick edit: every day is the best feeling in the world and I couldn’t love them more

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        Just realized that you beat me to replying to the parent comment with a similar sentiment!


    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Change happens, but my genuine appreciation of her never went away.

      Now, I’ve been married well over a decade… and still… the best feeling is the time I spend hugging her in the morning.

      We have ups and downs, lulls and adventures. Life’s not all beer and skittles. But, I don’t agree that it becomes mundane.