Time ago I asked about what sex feels like… Now I want to know the more sentimental part what is like… Curious

  • @MissJinx
    4 months ago

    Really really depends on the person you are with. My first boyfriend was my best friend, high school sweetheart, partner and the man of my life. He died when we were 23.

    I dated other people after, even got engaged, and never had the same conection. One was too narcisistic so it would make me feel insecure and jealous, another was very calm but very differenr from me so it made me feel lonely and bored sometimes.

    It’s not the same experience everytime, but having someone say “I love you” and make plans for the weekend is really great

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      Thank you for sharing. It really is a gamble.

      Edit: oh gawd I missed that he died. You have my sincere condolences… I’m sending so much love.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      At least you got to experience that connection. Some people never get that. It truly is better to have loved and lost someone. Than not to have loved at all.

      Lots of Internet hugs from here. Let’s beat loneliness epidemic together.

      • @MissJinx
        24 months ago

        yes that’s how I think too. Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all