• @[email protected]
    -24 months ago

    Virtue signal harder friend it wont save you. We’ll be here if it actually gets bad but the democrats are done as an option given this last campaign.

    • deaf_fish
      24 months ago

      How am I virtue signaling? Also, I agree, we are in a era of populism, I think this last election showed that liberal policy wonkery does not sell anymore.

      Democrats need to change their tact if they’re planning on winning any more elections.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        I voted for harris

        you’re straight up virtue signalling by definition. virtue signalling is where a person makes statements that identifies them as part of the ‘group’ they are communicating with in order to make unacceptable actions acceptable.

        In this particular case you’re trying to soften the blow for ardent progenocide supporters for harris. unfortunately they need to the cold hard truth to wake them up.


        I voted for harris, don’t hurt me, I didnt agree with her but I still was in your group!

        Please don’t take my response to you in a negative manner I’m just pointing out what you did. You are free to self reflect on it however you wish. If your position has merit it can stand on its own without resorting to virtue signalling.

        But in my opinion this exact behavior is why harris lost. people were so busy virtue signalling they didnt support trump and dog piling all their stress onto anyone who told them harris was going to lose that harris’ campaign didn’t pick up exactly how fucked they actually were over gaza and the economy.

        Most people are not like myself, they wont go out of their way to tell you how fucked up something is unless it negatively impacts them. Its why the arabs were screaming the entire campaign but very few others like myself were. instead they saw what was happening and just wrote harris off after comparing her actions to trumps words. Aka: trump may act and say hes a monster, but at least he doesn’t lie to my face about it.

        • deaf_fish
          24 months ago

          Please don’t take my response to you in a negative manner I’m just pointing out what you did. You are free to self reflect on it however you wish. If your position has merit it can stand on its own without resorting to virtue signalling.

          Ok, I found this soo funny. I don’t know if you know that your doing it, but all your replies to me have been oozing with contempt. Are you for real? Of course I am taking your posts in a negative manner. How would anyone not?

          That is besides the point.

          by definition. virtue signalling is where a person makes statements that identifies them as part of the ‘group’ they are communicating with in order to make unacceptable actions acceptable.

          When I google “virtue signaling definition” this is the definition I get “the public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one’s good character or social conscience or the moral correctness of one’s position on a particular issue.”

          Do my actions/words still apply? If so, how?

          • @[email protected]
            04 months ago

            Yes, you literally are stating you voted for harris to signal the correctness of your position on the issue. My definition and the definition you quoted are pretty much functionally identical. People dont like people in their group if they dont consider them morally decent.

            • deaf_fish
              14 months ago

              Great! Would you agree then that you are also virtue signaling by stating that you didn’t vote for Harris?

              • @[email protected]
                4 months ago

                Not once have i mentioned who I voted for in this thread.

                I simply admitted to advocating for third party voters.

                Specifically I was advocating for it if you absolutely cant stomach harris in order to avoid the blood bath we just saw. Even gave advice on what conditions it was best to do it under.

                The idiots and their zealotry instead of turning out the vote and losing a few votes here and there made it absolutely toxic with your ‘lesser evil’ and behavior towards people expressing their extreme dislike towards harris. So they stopped engaging and didnt turn out. Losing not only the presidential race but also many senate/house seats as well.

                See the difference? I don’t need to virtue signal what I did with my vote to make my points.

                The fact these idots thought they could demand the votes of people whose friends and family were actively being murdered by biden/harris admin without any fucking concessions by her is absolutely tone deaf and moronic. The campaigns absolutely abhorrent treatment of that community on top of it… 🤌.

                Omg and then bidens gaffe about shithead trunp voters and the immediate walk back by literally the entire Democratic party? My god imagine being an arab and watching that… Holy shit. They shit all over your community for begging them to stop mass murdering friends and family. Remove members of your community from events without reason. Get ridiculed and yelled at by supposed allies for daring to speak up on what you want. And everyone is cool with this behavior. But biden makes one accurate statement about MAGA supporters and they’re immediately walking everything back.

                And as a result she immediately lost 25 electoral points from the get go. 25 points which she couldnt win without.

                25 points that in a race this fucking tight she shouldn’t have even put at risk with a fucking ask that was literally just ‘enforce american law properly’ an ask given to the supposed law and order candidate.

                Harris was an absolute disaster of a candidate to run, we’ve been warning everyone about the consequences of gaza for a year.

                Everything after that is on many like yourself a d your lack of empathy and acceptance of absolutely abhorrent behavior towards our friends and neighbors.

                My contempt you felt? Yeah this is why. The behavior of many Democrats this election has been absolutely contemptible. The lack of self reflection afterwards? Even more so.

                Ive seen maybe 2 people recognized and admit to the absolutely disgusting behavior on display. The rest of you dweebs? Nope, its eberyone elses fault! Okay fucking principal skinners.

                • deaf_fish
                  4 months ago

                  Wow, this reply seems like it is the public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one’s good character or social conscience or the moral correctness of one’s position on a particular issue.

                  Are you sure you’re also not virtue signaling? I think it’s okay if you are. Most people do it (The people who don’t, don’t have any point to make).

                  • @[email protected]
                    04 months ago

                    🥱 you can make that argument if you want doesnt change what you were doing. Dont get pissy that by explaining the difference to you so you could see the contrast i had to do some of it.