Hello, I’m Valmond creator of the Tenfingers sharing protocol & implementation.

To make it more motivating for people to try it out, what should I share to showcase its abilities? It can be rougly anything up to say a gigabyte.

I’m thinking about music, video, parts of wikipedia, …

Legal of course.

Any ideas greatly appreciated.

Cheers & thanks!

  • @ValmondOP
    14 months ago

    Thank you!

    Ya, there was a saying in video game dev circles, when you have finished 90% of a game, that’s good, because now you only have the other 90% to do…

    What was that project, if you’d like to share?

    • lime!
      24 months ago

      it was nothing official, just a toy file sharing thing using the chord dht algorithm. it consisted of a single binary that you fed with a directory and the IP of an extant member, and it would sync everything on the network into that directory.

      no edge cases handled, so the 90% remained.

      • @ValmondOP
        14 months ago

        Interesting thing that Chord stuff.

        Sounds like a good little tool to have there, it’s always hell to share stuff among computers and phones and stuff! Guess overwriting from one side to the other (and vice versa) would be hell to fix in a user friendly manner though… If you don’t go for a master/slave system, or git repo style…

        • lime!
          4 months ago

          yeah one thing we couldn’t fix before losing interest was eventual consistency and authority. files would sort of flicker in and out while state was being propagated. i dread to think what kind of bandwidth use that thing would have when sharing large files.