I’ll try to get to the main point, but wasn’t that some… Shakespearean Henry Vth stuff right there?

Anywhere, here’s a proper, full page:

Okay, I’m just trying for a quick-post for now, but I feel like Moreil & Pedrosa’s “The Golden Age” is just… an astonishing BD accomplishment.

Least of all, there’s Cyril Pedrosa’s *wild* color schemes, which routinely take the center-show. Seriously, I’d almost call such a new genre within BD…

But also the script-writer, Roxanne Modeil!
What an enormous, new talent. oO

Yeap yeap, there is MUCH more to say about this series and the creators, but… just wanted t give y’all a taste for now. (kinda busy, I am)

  • @Raylon
    64 months ago

    Thank you for sharing, absolutely love this style!