• @Buffalox
    4 months ago

    Not sure if you’re being sarcastic but “digital only” means the only way to put games on the device is via digital downloads

    I’m pretty sure the keyword here is download and not digital, what other kind of download do they imagine?
    I was absolutely being sarcastic about calling downloads digital, since it’s the only kind there is. Even an old acoustic coupler with 75/300 baud is still a digital download, despite being on an analogue line. Which in principle everything up until we got mobile and fiber were. Except ISDN

    Each company tries this because it effectively eliminates the third party/aftermarket sales and gets them a monopoly on prices.

    Which is why the same attempt originally failed very very badly on Xbox. So yes I absolutely agree on your last part.
    Personally I wouldn’t mind that it is download only, if I could save the copy, and buy the downloads as freely from competing shops as used to be the case with installation discs.