Explanation: Cato the Younger was an inveterate enemy of Julius Caesar, and a reactionary prick to boot. When Caesar’s civil war began, he, naturally, sided against Caesar. When Caesar’s forces finally closed in on him, Cato opted to gut himself rather than be captured. The thing is, Caesar was famous for forgiving his enemies - it was an act of spite to avoid giving Caesar a ‘victory’, however small. Caesar would say after he heard of Cato’s suicide, “I begrudge Cato his death, as he would begrudge me [sparing] his life.”
Explanation: Cato the Younger was an inveterate enemy of Julius Caesar, and a reactionary prick to boot. When Caesar’s civil war began, he, naturally, sided against Caesar. When Caesar’s forces finally closed in on him, Cato opted to gut himself rather than be captured. The thing is, Caesar was famous for forgiving his enemies - it was an act of spite to avoid giving Caesar a ‘victory’, however small. Caesar would say after he heard of Cato’s suicide, “I begrudge Cato his death, as he would begrudge me [sparing] his life.”