• astrsk
    73 months ago

    STOP MAKING WHITE RUBBER THUMBSTICKS (these look more gray, but my point still stands).

      • @xploit
        103 months ago

        Probably if you don’t wash your hands very often…or at all? Just guessing

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          I wash my hands after eating if I use my controller (else it depends if they feel dirty).
          Even doing that the thumbsticks (of my Shock Blue xbox series controller) are still are a bit discolored.

          • @xploit
            13 months ago

            Tbf unless you’re really anal about it, you’re never going to have perfectly clean hands all the time. But if your controller is getting discoloured quickly and regularly, then you can probably tell where the problem lies regardless of its colour.
            I have similar issue with mouse, but it takes about 3-4 years of regular use for it to get really noticeably discoloured or start rubbing off top coat, to a point where even cleaning with IPA doesn’t do anything. And that’s a black mouse.
            Also worth noting, many hand creams are a big no-no imho. Some of that shit destroys your gear, worse than any dirt.

            • @[email protected]
              13 months ago

              The controller is about 3-4 years old if I remember correctly with moderate use.
              But I also use fluid soap. Afaik that may leave residues on equipment?

              • @xploit
                13 months ago

                Most things in our regular day-to-day lives would leave residue, even water (maybe deionized wouldn’t?) just a matter of how much and how noticeable. About the soap, well if you smell it on your hands after wash, then it’s still there and you will rub it onto stuff. At least it’s just soap tho…

                I don’t know if you can reasonably remove all contaminants off your skin, unless you plan to like glove up or destroy the skin by washing waayyyyy too often. But you know, good hygiene will keep things you touch nicer for longer so keep at it.

    • @tehmics
      3 months ago

      I’ve never had a problem with grey sticks. GameCube and 360 had grey, and they disintegrate before they ever get discolored. My C stick inevitably ends up scuffed and looking like the tip of a yellow marker after you color over black though