Saying non credible af here, but in theory one could add a upwards facing shotgun shells on top of the helmet, triggered by a Camera/proximity sensor if it detects a drone/falling grande. Maybe add a gyroscope to check if the helmet is actually facing upwards before triggering. All in all unit cost could be below 250$

  • 6x 12 gauge shells with bird shot
  • Raspberry pi type controller
  • USB cam
  • Laser distance sensor
  • gyroscope
  • servo trigger
  • @ladicius
    84 months ago

    Did he quit his job? And what became of him?

    • Miles O'Brien
      4 months ago

      He convinced his doctor to “wait a couple days to inform” him so he could give a few days notice. This was less than a week into his new promotion, too.

      Now he spends his days trapping for muskrat (big problem for farmers in the area) and sells the furs for supplemental income because disability pays shit has hobbies.

      He seemed to be doing okay last time I spoke to him. Just a little bored when he can’t get outside.

      • verity_kindle
        54 months ago

        I hope he finds more hobbies that definitely don’t bring him clean stacks of cash, just joy and satisfaction. (Wink) Was he able to get any treatment that helped with mobility? He needs that arm in the war against muskrats, right…

        • Miles O'Brien
          44 months ago

          He DID seem to be moving it around better, it’s a bit of a sore topic for him so I never pried, just listened to him when he talked about it. Didn’t want to just go “so, is your arm still shit?”

          Like it was noticeably not good when he quit, and the last time I saw him he was moving it pretty much as well as the first time I met him.

          So I’m guessing him going back out and doing stuff with his hands more is helping a lot.

          My wife has mobility issues with one of her arms due to injury, and she gets better mobility the more she does complex things with her hands.

          Protip: if you ever get an injury that limits hand/arm movements, take up knitting, tabletop gaming, and/or video games. Moving your hands around small objects to do delicate things can vastly improve your dexterity.

          • verity_kindle
            24 months ago

            Glad to hear that it’s not as hopeless as I imagined for people with nerve damage, in spite of the VA’s best efforts. Thanks for the protip.