How to define time? What are arrows of time? What’s all the fuzz about entropy? What does it have to do with the Big Bang? What’s the Arrow of Radiation? What is the Fork Asymmetry? Why do we remember the past and not the future? Is time a macroscopic phenomenon? And if god doesn’t play dice, what game DOES he play?

  • 0:59 Time is Relative
  • 3:35 The Arrows of Time
  • 5:37 The Thermodynamic Arrow
  • 12:03 The Cosmological Arrow
  • 14:57 The Arrow of Radiation
  • 16:31 The Fork Asymmetry
  • 19:13 The Record Asymmetry
  • 21:58 Cause and Effect
  • 24:09 Ad: Leviathan Dark
  • 25:14 Is time a Macro-Phenomenon?
  • 32:22 Conclusion
  • @davidgro
    23 months ago

    Never heard of this channel before. Thanks!