Suffragette Assaults Churchill (1909)

Sat Nov 13, 1909


On this day in 1909, British suffragette Theresa Garnett (1888 - 1966) assaulted Winston Churchill with a whip, striking him several times while shouting “Take that in the name of the insulted women of England!”

The action came out of the militant suffragist group “Women’s Social and Political Union”, of which Garnett was a member. Set up in Manchester, its policy of “deeds not words” led to campaigns of direct action by women frustrated by the failure of more peaceful methods.

Members of the group committed many illegal activities, ranging from slapping policemen to widespread arson attacks.

Although Garnett was arrested for assaulting Churchill, she was only charged with disturbing the peace because Churchill did not want to appear in court. She served one month in Horfield Prison.

    • redrumM
      52 months ago

      According to this article, it seems it was on a Saturday, and Nov. 14th that year was a Sunday 🤷🏽