• @JayEchoRay
    24 months ago

    That is a nice take on a meta-narrative level as the most powerful moments have shown how “popular” tragedy is as, I for one when thinking back, has it’s strongest points anchored around tragedy with Aqau’s moments that draw in the audience throughout the series, Akane’s tipping point, Ruby’s channeling of her darkness, Melt’s acrobatic display, even Kana with how people were gravitated by her acting born from her channeling her pain ( with her trying to overcome it through her feelings for Aqua and how that also manifested in a positive way,somewhat, in the play) and heck even Kamiki seemed to be successful despite his proclivities.

    There are examples with almost all the characters showing how the industry has effected them in some way, most of it being tragedy or dealing with its reality and trying to work within the system.

    It shows how we, as humans, seem fascinated by the darkness and how captivated people are by those able to channel that or overcome it.

    The industry knows this and it is eager to profit off of it just as much as it is eager to profit off those that know how to “play the game”.

    One needs to adapt, be strong and endure the suffering and through that can one’s strength of character be radiant but that is contrasted by how ruthless the industry is as well, as people are quick to come to conclusions and how powerful that pressure is as people resort to all sorts of terrible ideas and actions in pursuit of trying to find meaning from that pressure - which can dangerously become their crutch as the industry expectation bears down on the individual.