
Berlin lawmaker Antje Kapek of the Green Party proposed introducing women-only carriages on the city’s underground trains to enhance safety, inspired by a similar approach in Tokyo.

Kapek cited rising nighttime attacks on women and crowded evening conditions as reasons for the measure, which is still a proposal without legislative backing.

Her suggestion follows a recent rape case on the Berlin metro. The city’s BVG transport authority expressed doubts, arguing current safety measures, including 250 security staff and emergency contact points, are sufficient.

  • @OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe
    64 months ago

    This is a massive rant with no points related to the actual conversation at hand, sort of just 5 or 6 point thrown out without extrapolation.

    I think I get the general gist of what you’re pointing to, but I just don’t see it. People said ‘if you support Trump (who actively said racist, misogynistic, and deplorable things) then you support those people/ideologies’ and that’s not even an insult, it’s a fact.

    There’s no flood of media im seeing saying ‘all boys are bad and should feel bad’. I AM seeing a flood of “men aren’t being held accountable for their actions, and that’s influencing how young boys perceive the outcomes”

    • @OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe
      24 months ago

      But I hear the sentiment you’re voicing in other spaces, but no one has been able to point me anywhere. Please, help me understand what it is you’re seeing that makes you feel that way.