• @flying_gel
    175 hours ago

    I do appreciate how newer C++ standards have made these kinds of things a lot easier too.

    Define all comparison operators with just one one line using C++20

    auto operator<=>(const ClassName&) const = default;

      • @[email protected]
        125 minutes ago

        You just need to break the syntax apart and look at it from the LHS and the RHS seperately.

        In layman’s terms: constantine felt boxed in by his social class which left him often at dagger-ends to the operations on his car. Unable to keep up with the constant payments, he defaulted on the loan.

        See? Easy.

    • xor
      143 hours ago

      It’s nice that this exists these days, but my god is it horrendously unreadable at a glance

        • @[email protected]
          123 hours ago

          This argument just doesn’t hold up. Software written by some of the best developers in the world still has these same bugs.

          Why even use a language where you have to put so much effort into something that comes for free in many modern languages.