Wait, I’ve seen this one before

  • @PugJesusM
    24 months ago

    After losing the book in an apartment the size of a thimble and, after some effort, re-finding it in this hellhole, I managed to give it a look-over! It’s more accessible than I remember, even. Very friendly, even if your only background is reading a beginner’s guide to Roman history or the like. Detailed, yes, but with explanations of any context that would be unfamiliar to your average layman.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Awesome, that sounds like I’d enjoy checking it out (and not just because if I didn’t, I’d feel bad about the effort you put into finding it)

      Tangentially related: It’s unfortunate and possibly ironic that the people who would most benefit from learning some history are often ill-equipped with the skills needed to study history. My late best friend was a historian, and as a scientist, something I cherished in our friendship was the insight into the historian’s perspective. It felt like a jarringly different way of viewing the world, but that’s why it felt useful. He’d probably feel proud (and a little smug) to see that my interest in history has lasted even though he wasn’t here to feed it.