• @QuadratureSurferOP
    3 months ago

    Submitted questions can be found here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/looking-for-questions-star-citizen-live-brave-new-

    Top 10 Questions (tap to expand):


    Outside of thunderstorms, what other weather conditions/systems are you looking forward to implementing?


    Will large ships be able to compress trees and plants to land in dense forests?




    With the sheer density of forests and similar biomes in Genesis, how might this interact with gameplay like landing ships or driving ground vehicles?


    Will planets such as Microtech get snowfall and snow accumulation?


    Will systems like Maelstrom apply to plants and the ground for crash landings or explosions?


    With StarAudio and the new doppler effect, will we be able to hear the sonic boom in atmosphere?


    For the population of POI clusters, will there be roads connecting some of the locations in a cluster to each other, or at least paths that ground vehicles could drive along?


    How many variations of weather should we expect and how will they affect our ships flight models, such as ice build up, winds, rain, etc (We have already seen the potential for lightning)?


    Will we be able to build bases underground or in caves to have that Batman vibe?