It’s the weekend, so I got up early, walked the dog and started thinking about what to make my kid for breakfast.

I spent way too long looking at a four hour recipe (why not, dinner is a smoked pork shoulder that I really need to get started asap) before giving it up

Started off normally: eggs over easy and sausage links. Let’s make the pancakes a little different with bananas and walnut, and top with fruit and nuts ….

Critical question: why do we buy a specific syrup for pancakes? It’s just sugar (or corn syrup). So I used the syrup from canned mangoes!!! Tastes great but a bit thin and I didn’t use enough. It would be easy enough to thicken up, I’m sure. But why isn’t this the norm? We should have flavored syrup all the time, maybe save money over the maple stuff

Oh, and splurged with egg nog.

  • @WordBox
    4 months ago

    It’s the classic combo and you know there is real maple syrup that isn’t just corn syrup… Might want to try that.

    Beyond that -canned juices aside - there are many toppings for pancakes.