I was just thinking about it after looking it up. What has it, in world affairs, actually done? What changes did it make to society that were worth making?

EDIT: I wanted to ask this because I had some thoughts on Critical Theory that I wasn’t sure of. I thought it was just empty talk that would be repeated and repeated but never acted upon. Like, what would our world look like without Critical Theory being developed? How come such a “great ideology” couldn’t actually stop the War of Terror, or the election of Donald Trump, or wealthy corporate executives becoming obscenely rich, or the Housing Crisis and Great Recession, or the Rwandan Genocide, or Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, or anything? What does it do to actually help people?

  • @VerbFlowOP
    84 months ago

    Bitch, words have wildly varying meanings. What does “embolden” mean here? What does “communication” mean here? Is this a religious thing? The transcription process of DNA can be described, as can the movement of planets, and what causes fire to burn and extinguish, but for some reason this is too esoteric for me to understand because of “the system”. What is this “system”? What isn’t this “system”? Is this the Anything-But-Class theorizing that Parenti was talking about?