I recently attended a funeral. It was called the Google Web Creator Conversation Event and took place on October 29, … Continue reading "I Attended Google’s Creator Conversation Event, And It Turned Into A Funeral"
Oh I see. You are mentally a child and require people to spoon feed you information. Let me spell this out for you then. You are mentally a child and require people to spoon feed you information.
it’s no one’s job but one’s own to educate oneself. In your case, you should look for a new educator.
Yeah, you never went to school or asked for help. Everything you know or have achieved is on your own. Explains a few things.
Oh I see. You are mentally a child and require people to spoon feed you information. Let me spell this out for you then. You are mentally a child and require people to spoon feed you information.
If instead of insults you wrote explanations, the world would be a little bit less shitty place.