Do you ever wonder how normal people would react if we were able to give them our pain for a day? I feel like our tolerance for pain has gone up enough that what we feel on the day to day would make someone legitimately think they’re dying and go to the hospital

  • @PostnataleAbtreibung
    32 years ago

    What actually was a bummer for me was when I take a ridiculously account of aspirin (2000mg) with highly doses of caffein+sugar (200mg caffeine) split in two doses over 6 hrs, it has actually an effect on my migraine and Assists the triptane in working. But you really shouldn’t do this too often.

    The CRPS is, well, let’s say manageable with some light opioids, novalminsulfon and thc oil.

    So yeah, thanks, I take this massive amount of medication just for fun. It gets frustrating sometimes.

    I like the phrase ibu is just candy.