I have slow-healing/chronic injuries to both wrists and an ankle. Prior to my wrist injuries, I had been working to do some yoga to try to establish something resembling a routine but, that’s not possible to continue any time soon.

Nearly every site that I’ve found has advice on exercises to do if an arm OR a leg OR one’s back is injured but none that I’ve found so far address multiple injuries.

Right now, the only things coming to my mind are:

  • crunches
  • forearm planks
  • bicycle kicks

Anyone have any suggestions for others or resources to dig into?

Update: Thank you all for the advice. To be clear, I have already seen specialists and am waiting on an appointment with a hand and wrist specialist. Just impatient when the slow rate of healing and the timing of the wrist injuries.

  • @EnderMB
    11 month ago

    True, but if you’re being disingenuous about your own results, you’re not going to be setting the best example to others.

    Many other fitness influencers have called him out hard, alongside openly sharing their own relationships with steroids. I don’t know enough to say his advice is right/wrong, but if you can’t be honest about yourself, I can’t trust what you’re selling.

    • @[email protected]
      11 month ago

      I just assume anyone who markets a workout program is on gear, and didn’t use the program to get that big.