Like it or not, the United States has a big transportation problem. Yeah, cars are fun, but they’re also expensive and inefficient, and every rattle under the hood is like a gunshot to your wallet. Planes? Sure, if you like paying for carrying on a snack that doesn’t cost $12.95. Public transport in the U.S. is the pits, and if you want to travel a medium-range distance — say, between Boston and New York — for an affordable price, the options aren’t pretty.

You know what would fix that particular issue? It’s called high-speed rail, and though Americans have been taught to think of bullet trains as sci-fi futurism, they’re just a mundane, everyday reality in some parts of the world. And it’s been that way for decades, in some cases. While these speedsters zoom from country to country, the United States only falls further and further behind. Here’s why the U.S. is struggling with high-speed rail.

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  • trainline
    32 years ago

    Lobbying from big oil and airlines.

    Saved you the click.