Sounds good to me, I figured to put it up just to try to keep the sub growth going. If you guys figure it should go somewhere else, then just let me know and I’ll do that
There was a bot post on DTG that mirrored the one on Fireteams, but it was typically pretty empty and not stickied. Most of the recruitment posts were on the Fireteams one.
Sounds good to me, I figured to put it up just to try to keep the sub growth going. If you guys figure it should go somewhere else, then just let me know and I’ll do that
There was a bot post on DTG that mirrored the one on Fireteams, but it was typically pretty empty and not stickied. Most of the recruitment posts were on the Fireteams one.
I appreciate it! Growth is the main focus right now really, so seeing any sort of engagement here is fine by me!