• @MonkeyDatabase
    242 months ago

    You really don’t get any. You have to be well established in your career to be allowed to use it. You can’t really say “I’m taking a day off next week” and expect your job to not look for a reason to punish/fire you.

      • Darth_Mew
        25 days ago

        yea no shit hooray capitalism and unchecked greed

      • Laurel Raven
        2 months ago

        Many of us are well aware but at this point so numb to the awful and insanity we just shrug and make a shitty joke

        It’s not like we can do anything about it

        And before you bring up unions, those only work when your coworkers haven’t been brainwashed that unions are evil and your company isn’t master level at squashing unions without ever getting caught…a union of one is just unemployed… And unemployment just makes all of it so much worse