• sunzu2
    44 months ago

    People still lapring these bootlicker talking points?


    Should these parasites pay taxes?

    Asking for a friend

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Your aversion to data seem stupid. How the hell you expect to even have a point if all data is seen as “lapring these bootlicker talking points?” rather then something you need a valid answer to.

      Yes, they should pay tax. And do. Although only on their personal income rather than crown estates since the 90s.

      Crown estates technically pays 80% tax since 1690s

      • sunzu2
        24 months ago

        My aversion is to paraites getting preferential treatment from the state while half the country is living in poverty champ;)

        • @[email protected]
          24 months ago

          Cool, don’t entirely disagree.

          But while the death of ER2 means the republican view is definatly on the rise.

          There is no indication that it is something the majority of the UK wants.

          So childish insults in answer to historical facts and economic data only harms the case. Republicans do no have the might to win this as a war. They did in 1690. And found their own religiose crap lost them support. So Cromwell built our current system.

          So if you want to tear that system down. Unlike the puritans of the 1690s. You need to take the population of the nation with you. And convice them your ideas are better.

          “lapring these bootlicker talking points?” is just like saying. I have no answers, here is an insult.

          Honestly, I am likely a good few decades older than you. And have expected the republican movement to gain ground after ERs death since the late 80s. As she was all that held it together.

          I am sort of disappointed at how long it is taking for a viable argument to be formed and pushed to the people.

          • sunzu2
            14 months ago

            I am not even talking any over haul of the system per se… just abolish clown laws enabling these parasites not paying taxes.

            Also, they are also collecting rents from UK treasury, that also has to stop. I am not British, from outside these laws makes america look a “decent” place with our own clown extraction regimes.

            Also, the tone because this is largely a futile fight, just doing some rabble rousing.

            It is amazing how population is willing accept this status quo but here we are.

            • @[email protected]
              24 months ago

              just abolish clown laws enabling these parasites not paying taxes.

              Grins constitutional monarchy. Honestly, yes, you need to overhaul the system to do that.

              This is why the queen volunteered to pay taxes on her income in the 1990s. (As I said they do pay taxes)

              Remember, while our current royals are technically powerless. Our parliament is still only using their power. This is the literal meaning of parliament is sovereign.

              Think of our Parliament as a regent. Because that is sort of how the power structure works.

              This means it’s hard for parliament as is to create laws that affect the king. As such laws would lack constitutional support.

              Same with our justice system. Anyone in the UK taken to court. It is technically them vs the king. As such, it is actually impossible for the king to be prosecuted.

              • sunzu2
                14 months ago

                My understanding is that the estate pays no taxes and extracts money from the treasury.

                Unwillingness of the parliament to fix it, is that just.

                But I understand, the rich rule us and fuck all we can do.

                I am more amazed at working class accepting as oh well to some being in favour of it lol

                • @[email protected]
                  14 months ago

                  This is a miss understanding.

                  The estate is run by the government. All its profit goes to the government. From that they fund the royal family with (currently 20% but historically less)

                  So pay no taxes is a huge misunderstanding. It works more like a nationalised company. But is owned by the crown.

                  History of this is related to Giii fight against US independence. At that time armies etc belonged to the crown. (Still answer to them technically) but no longer funded by them.

                  Royal families personal property is different. And until 1990s did not pay tax. But the Queen set up a voluntary offer to do so. Rather then force the UK government to become a Republic. Something they did not have the votes or support to do.

                  As for why the UK put up with it. Long and complicated. But the fact that our last republic was the same people who left the UK to form the US. Having banned Xmas and anything fun due to religiose ideals.

                  Left a pretty long bad taste in the UK for republics.

                  While most don’t worry about that. The US lack of health care workers rights etc still leaves folks pretty uncomfortable with a change.

                  As I said. Most folks sorta liked the Queen. Her working as a nurse during WW2 (before being queen) won her a lot of respect. It has been expected from the 70s that Charles would be the start of a Republic.