(Let’s me start by saying i thought this thought was hilarious and am in no way trying to comment on actual differences, but just by actual statistical physical difference)

Hear me out; a lot of Africa was known to travel on foot while hunting/ gathering.

In close to modern time, Africa, and Aborigenes (put in comments if missed some or got something mixed historically), but those are the people I met with the largest dicks! As far as I know, neither groups were primarily dependent on mount animals for survival.

And that’s the correlation to me. Big dicks are uncomfortable while riding mount animals. It hurts.

So my opinion is this (and this is the serious part). None of this is substantiated. I wish just thinking about my dick size compared to the last black dick I saw, subsequently I had the thought while playing RDR2 and consumed an indica blunt

I digress… i believe there is a correlation between parts of the world that depended on mounted transportation and on-foot transportation explains penis size on average

  • @over_clox
    34 months ago

    Relatedly unrelated: I’ve heard that in RDR2, horse testicles shrink in the winter and swell in the summer.

    Disclaimer: I’ve never played the game before, but if that’s true, that’s some serious attention to detail.