Hey everyone!

Wanted to check in here about our newest struggle, maybe someone can share our pain or even help with some advice.

Our little one just turned 2, the biggest development of the last few weeks is that she’s really talkative now. Able to respond to questions, even describing events with some help. Other huge change is that putting her to sleep is getting more and more industrious:

  • Before, both in the afternoon and in the evening we had the nice ritual of putting blankets and pillows on the floor of her room, turning off the lights, singing some nice songs, maybe telling the tale of her achievements that day, and she went to sleep in ~20 minutes (40 minutes max).

  • Now, the afternoon sleep is taking more hours sometimes and she doesn’t even look sleepy most of the times. And since the afternoon nap is happening later, the night sleep is happening later and slower. And we feel that we cannot push it further more.

We tried a lot of things already in the afternoon (as we’re feeling that could be root of the problem for the evening sleep also) for example putting her to the baby carriage for a walk, putting her in one of these carriers on our backs, putting her directly into her bed… Nothing really works, it feels like she just needs us to try at least 2 hours and then she gives up. At least when she sleeps, she really sleeps like a baby, sometimes not even waking up at all for the whole of the evening (that is something that haven’t changed).

Have you experienced something like this around 2 years? How did you solve it? Or do you have any other suggestion?

I would appreciate any input from you.

  • @barcaxaviOP
    24 months ago

    Thanks for the variety of tips. I’ll be thinking about how to use them. The car part we already tried and succeeded but trying not to incorporate it too heavy, since I heard that my boss used it so effectively with his kids they didn’t want to go to sleep any other way 😀

    • @ace_garp
      34 months ago

      I have heard from someone else that it can become an addictive sleep primer.

      The other tip I forgot, is that they need to be full of food. If they are very tired/irritable and not going down, offer their 3 favourite foods + some milk. After eating their fill, this should trigger a whole bunch of sleepiness.