• @shalafi
    4 months ago

    to pay a fair wage

    Funny how in the dozens of conversations I’ve read on this subject, the people receiving the tips aren’t the ones bitching about tips.

    I worked at a payroll firm and many of those folks are making more than a “fair wage”.

    But the system MAN! Apparently servers are loving the system. Because they’re absolutely silent in these threads. If you had your way, they would make less money. But I guess you could be satisfied that you brought “the man” down low. Worker solidarity, right?

    • y0kai
      24 months ago

      Lmao for real. When I was working as a waiter / bartender, I was easily making as much or more money than my managers and working 1/3 as many hours, all while my paychecks read $0.00 due to taxes.

      The problem with that industry, for me, wasn’t the money. It was the people. Especially the self-righteous assholes. I didn’t even care if the occasional person tipped poorly or not at all, but if they were a dick head, and they didn’t tip, good luck getting good, or if i could, any service from me in the future.

    • Dragon Rider (drag)
      04 months ago

      No service industry worker in drag’s country would consent to being paid less than minimum wage.