As mentioned last week, Shattered Pixel Dungeon’s upcoming Cleric hero has a variety of unique spells which they can access via their holy tome. The first of the Cleric’s spells is a simple supportive ranged option: Guiding Light.

Guiding Light is an innate spell (no talent needed to unlock) and does some damage while ‘illuminating’ the target. This guarantees that the next physical attack made against that target will hit.

(Image Description: a short GIF showing off the guiding light spell. The Cleric casts it on an enemy, which begins to glow. The Cleric then waits for the enemy to approach, and attacks them.)

  • @Chorby_Short
    14 months ago

    Just wondering what this illumination would be like. Is it sort of like mind vision? One grievance I’ve had for a while is that mobs that have mind vision from talents don’t actually have a visible mind vision debuff from those talents, so you can’t very well track the effect as a player, which seems a bit odd to me.

    • 00-EvanOPM
      14 months ago

      Illumination is nothing like mind vision, it’s a debuff which increases the effectiveness of the next melee attack against a target, it doesn’t grant you vision against them at all. There’s also a clear visual indicator for it.