The science centre was closed just hours after an announcement on Friday, June 21. The rush, the government, was due to the urgent safety issues plaguing the building.
Uh no… We the People of Ontario would like to not be fucked around with. That building and the property it’s on, that we spent how many tax dollars getting a subway to it so downtown kids can get to the center… How convenient it can now be redeveloped into townhomes and condos for Doug’s friends to make big bucks.
And moving the science centre to Ontario Place is a stupid, stupid idea. How many bus-fulls of school kids making a day trip from the GTA and further do we want taking the DVP and Gardiner down to park for the day, when they had way better access and parking before???
Why is it these obvious scams and scandals just get a free pass??
“We would have liked a chance to say goodbye.”
Uh no… We the People of Ontario would like to not be fucked around with. That building and the property it’s on, that we spent how many tax dollars getting a subway to it so downtown kids can get to the center… How convenient it can now be redeveloped into townhomes and condos for Doug’s friends to make big bucks.
And moving the science centre to Ontario Place is a stupid, stupid idea. How many bus-fulls of school kids making a day trip from the GTA and further do we want taking the DVP and Gardiner down to park for the day, when they had way better access and parking before???
Why is it these obvious scams and scandals just get a free pass??