• @maplebar
    4 months ago

    The memo said that one gang leader established a “military like compound” in an area “restricted, controlled and patrolled" by the Israeli army.

    A “UN memo” saying that the gangs “may be benefiting” from the Israeli army isn’t exactly conclusive evidence now is it?

    Gaza’s police force

    A.K.A. Hamas

    Meanwhile, food prices have skyrocketed.

    Because Palestinian gangsters have stolen all of the aid that Western countries have donated to them, while Hamas’ allies in Iran and Russia laugh their fucking asses off at us.

    This entire famine created by Israel is deliberate and intentional.

    Gaza is right on the Mediterranean Sea, where people have been thriving off fish and produce since prehistory. At some point you’re going to have to stop blaming Israel for all of Palestine’s problems and failings, especially since (as you rightfully pointed out) it is Palestinian gangsters who are stealing the aide, not Israelis.

    • @Keeponstalin
      4 months ago

      Israel’s occupation and Blockade has been throttling the food available to Palestinians in Gaza to below what’s needed for decades. The full blockade and famine is simply an extension of a longstanding practice.

      “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly”

      • Yoav Gallant, Minister of Defense

      One of the over 500 instances of Israeli incitement of genocide

      Israel also arbitrarily limits how far Palestinians can fish in the sea and shoot them on sight. Gaza fisherfolk can only ‘dream of fishing freely’ under Israel’s blockade

      De-development via the Gaza Occupation

      Between July 1971 and February 1972, Sharon enjoyed considerable success. During this time, the entire Strip (apart from the Rafah area) was sealed off by a ring of security fences 53 miles in length, with few entrypoints. Today, their effects live on: there are only three points of entry to Gaza—Erez, Nahal Oz, and Rafah.

      Perhaps the most dramatic and painful aspect of Sharon’s campaign was the widening of roads in the refugee camps to facilitate military access. Israel built nearly 200 miles of security roads and destroyed thousands of refugee dwellings as part of the widening process.’ In August 1971, for example, the Israeli army destroyed 7,729 rooms (approximately 2,000 houses) in three vola- tile camps, displacing 15,855 refugees: 7,217 from Jabalya, 4,836 from Shati, and 3,802 from Rafah.

      • Page 105

      Through 1993 Israel imposed a one-way system of tariffs and duties on the importation of goods through its borders; leaving Israel for Gaza, however, no tariffs or other regulations applied. Thus, for Israeli exports to Gaza, the Strip was treated as part of Israel; but for Gazan exports to Israel, the Strip was treated as a foreign entity subject to various “non-tariff barriers.” This placed Israel at a distinct advantage for trading and limited Gaza’s access to Israeli and foreign markets. Gazans had no recourse against such policies, being totally unable to protect themselves with tariffs or exchange rate controls. Thus, they had to pay more for highly protected Israeli products than they would if they had some control over their own economy. Such policies deprived the occupied territories of significant customs revenue, estimated at $118-$176 million in 1986.

      • page 240

      In a report released in May 2015, the World Bank revealed that as a result of Israel’s blockade and OPE, Gaza’s manufacturing sector shrank by as much as 60% over eight years while real per capita income is 31 percent lower than it was 20 years ago. The report also stated that the blockade alone is responsible for a 50% decrease in Gaza’s GDP since 2007. Furthermore, OPE (combined with the tunnel closure) exacerbated an already grave situation by reducing Gaza’s economy by an additional $460 million.

      • Page 402

      • The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-Development - Third Edition by Sara M. Roy

      Blockade, including Aid

      Hamas began twenty years into the occupation during the first Intifada, with the goal of ending the occupation. Collective punishment has been a deliberate Israeli tactic for decades with the Dahiya doctrine. Violence such as suicide bombings and rockets escalated in response to Israeli enforcement of the occupation and apartheid.

      After the ‘disengagement’ in 2007, this turned into a full blockade; where Israel has had control over the airspace, borders, and sea. Under the guise of ‘dual-use’ Israel has restricted food, allocating a minimum supply leading to over half of Gaza being food insecure; construction materials, medical supplies, and other basic necessities have also been restricted.

      The blockade and Israel’s repeated military offensives have had a heavy toll on Gaza’s essential infrastructure and further debilitated its health system and economy, leaving the area in a state of perpetual humanitarian crisis. Indeed, Israel’s collective punishment of Gaza’s civilian population, the majority of whom are children, has created conditions inimical to human life due to shortages of housing, potable water and electricity, and lack of access to essential medicines and medical care, food, educational equipment and building materials.

      • @maneek
        54 months ago

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        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          What makes that person a “lib”? Seems like you just want to associate a group of people you don’t like with Zionism.

          Don’t do that.

          • @maplebar
            4 months ago

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